1971 BA Ohio State University
1973 MA Northwestern University
1983 PhD Northwestern University

1992    Wright, Anne and Mark C. Bauer. The Social Context of Navajo Infant Feeding Behaviors. In Mechanisms Regulating Lactation and Infant Nutrient Utilization. Wiley-Liss Publishing Co., New York .

1993    Sugarman, J.R., Bauer, M.C., Barber, E., Hayes, J., Hughes, J. Factors Associated with Failure to Complete Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy Among Navajo Indians.    Diabetes Care, Vol. 16, Supplement 1.

1993    Wright, A., Bauer, M.C., Clark, C., Morgan, F., Begishe, K. Cultural Interpretations and Individual Beliefs Regarding Breastfeeding Among the Navajo.  American Ethnologist 20 (4): 781-796.

1993    Wright, Anne L., Clarina Clark and Mark C. Bauer. Maternal Employment and Infant Feeding Fading Practices Among the Navajo.  Medical Anthropology Quarterly 7 (3); 260-280.

1996    Bauer, Mark C., and Anne L. Wright. Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Model Infant Feeding Behavior Among Navajo Mothers. Human Organization 55(2): Summer 1996).

1998    Wright, AL, Bauer M, Naylor A, Sutcliffe E, Clark L. Increasing breastfeeding rates to reduce infant illness at the community level.   Pediatrics 1998; 101(5):837-844.

2003     Epple C, Wright AL, Joish VN, Bauer MC The Role of Active Family Nutritional Support in Navajos’ Type 2 Diabetes Metabolic Control. Diabetes Care, November 2003.

2008    Cunningham-Sabo, L, Bauer, M, Pareo, S., Phillips-Benally, S., Roanhorse, J., Garcia, L. Qualitative Investigation of Factors Contributing to Effective Nutrition Education for Navajo Families.  Maternal and Child Health Journal, Supplemental Issue: Research for MCH Practice in American Indian and Alaskan Native Communities.

2010    Garrison, Edward R. Bauer, Mark C., Hosley, Brenda L., Patten, Christi A. , Hughes, Christine A., Trapp, Mary A., Petersen, Wesley O.,  Austin-Garrison, Martha, Bowman, Clarissa N., Veirkant, Robert A. Development and Pilot Evaluation of a Cancer-Focused Summer Research Education Program Navajo Undergraduate Students.  Journal Cancer Education . DOI 10.1007/s13187-010- 0118-6 .PMID Z041144b

2016     Yost, Kathleen(Mayo Clinic), Bauer, Mark, Garcia, Linda, Hughes, Christine (Mayo Clinic), and Patten, Christi (Mayo Clinic). Adapting    a Cancer Literacy Measure for Use among Navajo Women. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1–8.

2016     Mark Bauer. Connection and Community: Diné College Emphasizes Real-World Experience in Public Health.  Tribal College Journal,  Vol. 27, No.4, Summer 2016.


1967-1971             Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Scholarship
1971                    Phi Beta Kappa Scholastic Honorary
1971-1972             Northwestern University Fellowship
1987                     Award for Outstanding Faculty Member, Navajo Community College
2003                      Recognition for commitment to Navajo Studies, Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Navajo Studies Conference, April 2003

2004-2005             Faculty of the Year, Dine College

2010                      Training Award given by the Native Research Network “to recognize the training program that demonstrates excellence in recruiting, retaining and training Native investigators to engage in Native Health Research”


Professional Associations

American Public Health Association


Other Service

2000-Present        Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board

Institutional Review Board (IRB) that reviews all human subject research taking place on the Navajo Nation

  • APR for Certificate in Public Health 2020

    Academic Program Review for Certificate in Public Health 2020 - Report, powerpoints and recording from Site Visit Review.


    Certificate APR PPT #1 History & Mission.pptx
    Certificate APR_Curriculum Presentation.pptx
    Dickerson APR Cert 2020.pptx
    Certificate APR_Concluding remarks-1.pptx
    2020 APR Report_ Dine College Certificate Public Health.pdf
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  • Current Programs & Projects

    DC PH AS Program 2019_MB edits.pptx

    View this 2.5 minute video for student comments and reflections on participating in the college's SREP Program.

    SREP Recruitment.m4v
    APR FINAL Report for AS Public Health 2019.docx
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    Documents to accompany the presentation at the TCU Conclave: Embedding Behavioral Health/Health-Related Research Knowledge & /skills into the Curriculum : Establishing a Bachelor's Degree Program in Public Health

    Description by Dr. Garrison of how Diné Education Philosophy values and concepts were used in the creation of the College's Public Health Curriculum


    Brochure describing the academic programs and research/outreach projects of the Diné College Public health Program

    Public Health Program Brochure 08-09-2018.pdf

    Degree Checklist of all of the required courses and alternatives for the BS Degree in Public Health

    2017-18 BSPH cklist rev Approved 2-27-18.xlsx

    Flyer of the public health courses offered at Diné College Fall 2018

    Public Health Courses for Fall 2018 - actual.pdf

    Courses to be offered in Spring 2019 for the Public Health Program

    Public Health Courses for Spring 2019.pdf

     Brochure for 2019 Summer Research Enhancement Program

    SREP BROCHURE 2019.pdf

    Article describing the competencies that graduates of undergraduate public health programs should master.

    PH Programs at DC 2018_CK edits.pptx
    Bachelors of Science in Public Health Student Handbook mcb.docx
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    Most recent biosketch

    Bauer Biosketch 2017.docx
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  • Summer Program

    Visit the webpage for the Summer Research Enhancement Program, which is now recruiting for Summer 2016 for any students interested in learning more about health and research in Native communities in the southwest.


    Read a description of the Diné College Summer Research Enhancement Program in the Tribal College Journal entitled: Connection and Community: Diné College Emphasizes Real-World Experience in Public Health

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  • Fall 2018

    PUH 395_Syllabus 2018.docx
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  • Summer 2018 Courses

    PUH 297 Syllabus 2018.docx
    2018 PUH 290_ Methods syllabus .doc
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  • Spring 2018 Courses

    Syllabus for Principles of Health Education

    PUH 200 Syllabus S-18.doc
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  • Fall 2017 Courses

    PUH 270 Syllabus- Fall 2017.doc
    PUH 295_Syllabus 2017.docx
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