6/15/2020: Whew, it's been 6 years since I've updated this! During this time I've received the Chairship of the Science Department, 2014 to 2018. Also I participated in four grant programs as PI: 2015-2021: the 2.5 million TCUP (Tribal College and University Program) grant to start 3 BS programs (Biology, Secondary Education Science, and Sec. Ed. Math), AS in Pre-engineering, and Certificates in GIS and Computer Tech., and also supporting student research internships during the academic year, and a large significant summer research program; 2014-2017: 25K - the NIH Bridges program, with Northern Arizona University (NAU), promoting research and bridging to BS and Ph.D., studying uranium contamination of sheep on the Navajo Reservation; 2015-2018: the NIH NARCH program, also with NAU, similar funding of research content for interns; 2015 to 2021: EPA - two grants, 850 K total, one to study watershed pollution from abandoned uranium mines, and another more recent to study uranium contamination of livestock.
Past research prior to 2015: The Summer Faculty at Dine' College: Summer Research Experience Program (SREP) 2013-current. Project Director, USDA Equity Grant, 2014-current; overseeing environmental research at Shiprock Campus (Perry Charley); created new summer intern program for energy auditing, with University of Colorado faculty, Dr. Lupita Montoya; continuing Canyon DeChelly summer intern program for 2015. Dine' College Bridges Mentor, with NAU faculty, Dr. Jani Ingram, overseeing 3 students doing sheep tissue uranium measurements. Dine College NARCH Mentor, with NAU faculty, Dr. Jani Ingram, overseeing 2 students doing sheep tissue uranium measurements. Submitted 2.5 million TCUP grant proposal to create 6 new STEM programs, beginning summer 2015. Will be notified in April, 2015 - cross your fingers!