6/15/2020: To bring this up to date, I have started three BS programs at the College and as Chair of the Science Department, have organized the teaching of these new upper division courses, in addition to coordinating and planning all the instruction of all the courses in the Science Department, 2014-current. This includes my own courses such as Seminar, Writing in Biology, Pathophysiology; My mainstay courses have been BIO 160 - general education anatomy and physiology, and CHM 130, introduction to chemistry; Prior to that and now beginning Fall 2020 I will resume teaching the two semester sequence of anatomy and physiology, due to the Covid-19 restrictions and our department's need to have multiple lab sessions for each lab course. Prior to 2015 I wrote this: BIO 100, General Biology BIO 160, General Human Anatomy and Physiology BIO 170, Medical Terminology BIO 181, 182, Majors Biology BIO 201, 202, Majors Human Anatomy and Physiology CHM 130, General Chemistry PUH 141, Nutrition HEE 110, Health and Wellness.